If you’re reading this, you’re now part of an exclusive crew of like-minded shredders from all around the world.
If we haven’t met yet, I’m Rob – the founder of Anti Ordinary. We started this 7 years ago after my own brain injury at Coronet Peak, NZ.
It’s been a long journey, but what you have in your hands right now represents the best brain protection available today.
We do things a bit differently around here, from a product perspective, to how we carry ourselves as a team. We want you to expect more from us than any helmet company that’s ever taken your money.
See video above to get acquainted with your new A2. It’s different at first, but once you get used to it you’ll love it.
Now that this A2 is yours, this revolution is as much yours as it ours; we’re simply support crew. If you need anything at all, have any questions or just want to chat; our email is howdy@antiordinary.co.
Don’t be shy, our job is to make sure the A2 is the greatest brain protection product you’ve ever trusted your brain in.
Shred safe,